Spirit is a term used in most religions but in the Christian tradition, a Holy Spirit evokes the mystery of the Holy Trinity, God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. Spiritual gifts rendered by the Holy Spirit sanctify our soul through grace and infusing virtue in our lives which positively influences others. The Holy Spirit is invoked at Confirmation, through an anointing with chrism, to safeguard or seal the graces received in Baptism. The dove embodying the Holy Spirit is an emblem of purity and gentleness.
Pictured in Sterling Silver with a 14KT Yellow Frame on our 2.8mm Cable Chain
St. Christopher (died c. 250), an early Roman martyr and legendary saint, described as extremely tall and strong, sought vainly to serve a king worthy of his strength. Serving first a king frightened by the devil, he abandoned the king for the more powerful devil. After a short time with the devil, he observed the devil’s fear of the symbolic cross and concluded Jesus’ supremacy over the devil. He launched a fearless quest to find the most powerful Jesus uniquely worthy of his service. Advised by a hermit to pray or fast, as a way to seek Jesus, St. Christopher struggled with how to pray and abstain from food. As an alternative, he volunteered to carry travelers across a tempestuous river where many drowned. One day, when resting by the river, he heard a child’s voice call out “Christopher, come out and carry me across.” Grabbing his staff, he lifted the child to his shoulders and began to traverse the rough river. With each step, the child weighed heavier and currents resisted his stride. In deep waves, Christopher grew afraid that he would lose his step and they would both drown. Exhausted, bewildered and breathless he requested the child’s identity. Today, we honor the popular “Christ-bearer”, St. Christopher, with three Brother Wolf virtue medallions, featuring the images of St. Christopher with staff carrying the Christ Child on his shoulders inspiring both protection and Godspeed in all of our journeys."
Pictured in Sterling Silver with 14KT Yellow Frame on our 2.8mm Cable Chain
Measurements: 1" x .87"
St. Michael, the great archangel personifies valor, protection and care. His name means “Who is like unto God?” and he appears as the heavenly leader in the fight against all enemies of God. The Jews regard Michael, the prince, as the special protector of Israel, and in Christianity he serves as the protector of the Church.
While St. Michael, the archangel protects us, he also assists in dying, accompanying us to private judgement after we depart this world, ultimately ushering us to the gates of Heaven as a patron of the holy souls. His protection over holy souls results in the dedication of cemetery chapels in his name worldwide. In ancient times he was venerated as healer before honored as an angelic warrior. He also served as patron of mariners in Normandy where the famous Mont-Saint Michael stands.
St. Michael, the great archangel personifies valor, protection and care. His name means “Who is like unto God?” and he appears as the heavenly leader in the fight against all enemies of God. The Jews regard Michael, the prince, as the special protector of Israel, and in Christianity he serves as the protector of the Church.
While St. Michael, the archangel protects us, he also assists in dying, accompanying us to private judgement after we depart this world, ultimately ushering us to the gates of Heaven as a patron of the holy souls. His protection over holy souls results in the dedication of cemetery chapels in his name worldwide. In ancient times he was venerated as healer before honored as an angelic warrior. He also served as patron of mariners in Normandy where the famous Mont-Saint Michael stands.
Pictured in Sterling Silver with a 14KT Frame on our 2.8mm Cable Chain
Gabriel, the archangel, is one of three angels mentioned in the Bible and because of the supreme importance of the message he delivers he is distinguished as an archangel and the patron saint of all those who work in communication. His name means God is my strength; God is mighty; strong man of God; the strength of God.
He appears to Daniel, revealing the prophecy of the birth of John the Baptist to Zechariah. God also sends Gabriel to Nazareth in Galilee to a virgin, named Mary engaged to a man whose name is Joseph, of the House of David informing her she would conceive and bear a son whom she was to give the name of Jesus, which means “Salvation”. Gabriel functions as a critical messenger. He announces the births of both John the Baptist and Jesus.
150 years ago, young St. Bernadette, just 14 years old, witnessed the appearance of Mary, the Immaculate Conception, eighteen times in five months near a cave in a small mountainous town in Southern France named Lourdes. Bernadette’s extraordinary faith compelled her to obey the instruction of Mary to drink from a nonexistent fountain in the grotto. She scratched in the dry gravel and healing waters began to flow. Today, the healing waters attract hundreds of thousands of visitors from all faiths in search of physical, emotional and spiritual hope. In the Sanctus Collection, the Lady of Lourdes medal captures Mary in stunning portrait on the front and young St. Bernadette kneeling at the grotto in Lourdes on the back in vivid detail, commemorating the 150 year anniversary of the miracle.
Pictured in Sterling Silver with a Diamond Set in 14KT Yellow Bezel on our 2.8mm Cable Chain
St. Joan of Arc’s (1412-1431) extraordinary acts of courage in her short life of just 19 years earn her status as a cultural icon, symbolic with the word “Courage” and the national heroine of France. Her life is well documented in history and often eulogized by artists. Divinely inspired, she experienced repeated visions of St. Michael and other saints, commanding her to deliver her country from English control and to secure the throne for Charles VII and France. She played a major yet mysterious role in battle, never using arms, and while wounded she miraculously recovered. With banner in hand honoring both Jesus and Mary and signifying her divine inspiration, she led troops to victory earning her peasant family a striking coat of arms signifying her ascent into nobility and beautifully illustrated on the Sanctus Collection medal. She anticipated her capture and was tried by a mock ecclesiastical court, which convicted her of heresy and burned her at the stake, yet later she was retried and acquitted. Her name means “God is gracious”.
Patron of Military Personnel and Soldiers - Courage
Pictured in Sterling Silver on our Oval Link Chain
St. Joan of Arc’s (1412-1431) extraordinary acts of courage in her short life of just 19 years earn her status as a cultural icon, symbolic with the word “Courage” and the national heroine of France. Her life is well documented in history and often eulogized by artists. Divinely inspired, she experienced repeated visions of St. Michael and other saints, commanding her to deliver her country from English control and to secure the throne for Charles VII and France. She played a major yet mysterious role in battle, never using arms, and while wounded she miraculously recovered. With banner in hand honoring both Jesus and Mary and signifying her divine inspiration, she led troops to victory earning her peasant family a striking coat of arms signifying her ascent into nobility and beautifully illustrated on the Sanctus Collection medal. She anticipated her capture and was tried by a mock ecclesiastical court, which convicted her of heresy and burned her at the stake, yet later she was retried and acquitted. Her name means “God is gracious”.
Our Lady of the Guard, Based on a sanctuary which anoints the highest hill in Marseilles, France harbor recalls the Blessed Virgin Mary and her protection of everything relating to the sea. She defends the city and is nicknamed la Bonne Mére (the Good Mother). The hill’s importance as a place of worship for all religions dates back to Greco-Roman times and its military vocation to the Middle Ages, when it was named The Guard. A chapel dedicated to the Blessed Virgin and authorized by St. Victor sits at the precipice where an unusually large and striking monument of the Blessed Virgin greets all visitors to Marseilles. As well as being a major local landmark, Notre-Dame de la Garde is the site of a popular annual pilgrimage every August 15th, the Feast of the Assumption.